WORDS Words are Beautiful Freely Given. Sentimental. Taken Foregranted.

SERENITY'S CHILE No more Rain No more Rain in No more Rain in this No more Rain in this Cloud. God's
sunshine has come No more Rain in this Cloud. Cocoa Angelic face Crescent shine Revealing God's grace.
Diamond eyes light dark skies Pink ribbons Color of bubble gum bright light. Sea of billowy black hair Round
afro puffs, Bulging onyx raindrops fall. Gold hoop adorn ears That hear whispers from heaven. Baggy, faded
blue jeans Cascade in ripples Around miniature Nike clad feet. Serenity like a river Surrounding pure thoughts.
Serenity like an ocean Running deep through the mind. Serenity like A child running wild. Serenity peaceful
and wild Serenity like a flower growing wild.
BUILDING SISTAHOOD Sistah girl flavor Savor majestic essence Build a nation of love