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Enjoy the Plethora of New Poets!  Enjoy reading the new poetry for April / May!

I'm Missing You
by Angela Nichols

To me, you're always here.
I may not see or touch you,
but you're always in my head.
And deep down in my heart,
I'm missing you.
Sometimes if I think hard,
I feel your hand on my cheek.
I'm missing you.
The way you made me laugh,
the way you would comfort me,
the way you were there for me.
I was there for you,
until you pulled the trigger.
I'm missing you, Justin.

(dedicated to my dear friend Justin Merritt
who committed suicide 12/00)

by Eve Hall

Different sizes, shapes, and colors
yet, we have some of the same problems.
Male problems, children problems,
mood swings, mental and physical problems,
you name them, we have them.
We comfort each other, we get on each other's nerves.
Sistahs assisting Sistahs, who are like us?
You give me your shoulder to cry on,
I give you my helping hands.
You give me advice and strength,
I give you a listening ear.
I give you my love and support,
you give me your...friendship.

eve hall 2001

Black Pearls
by Eve Hall
The glow of her face,
The twinkle in her eyes.
Is like the brightness of the stars,
In the dark, starry skies.

All sizes and shapes of women,
We are like diamonds in the rough.
Men play games with our minds,
That's why we are so tough.

We shine, we glitter, we're radiant,
From our heads down to our toes.
All of us are special and beautiful,
We need to remember that this is so.

eve hall 2001

Can You?
by Lisa
They tell you to move on
Forget about them
But how can you forget one you love?
You have your whole life ahead
Don't waste it on the past
But how can you?

Can you move on if someone
You love dies?
The memory of them indented
In your heart.
Can you move on?
Can you forget?

Years later are you still hanging on?
Holding onto the past?
Someday waiting for that person
To come through the door.
Can you forget it?

Hoping that they aren't really gone.
They are just playing a joke.
Are you holding onto
Something they gave you?
Is it tied to a chain,
Always in your pocket?

Can you live and forget?
Can you wish and hope?
Can you forget?
Can you move on?
With this memory in your heart?

Wishing, hoping,
Loving is that enough?
When is it time?
Time to move on?
Can you move on and remember?

The memory haunting you,
The reminders all around.
Can you forget?
Can you move on?
Can you stop loving them?

Mama's Child

I remember in my younger years, playin'
in Mama's
Shoes,stubblin' and fallen, trying hard to be a Woman. Not knowin'
that one day soon, I'd blossom To be a women in my Mama's image,
strugglin' hard to find my own.

Mama I heard you when you called my name,
First, middle and last.
I heard you when you fussed at me.
I know you had your doubts, I learned my lessons well from you.
I still have much to learn.

Look at me now I a woman too.
Raisin' my own, I've tried everyday.
Wondering if they hear my words, I laugh out loud.
They are my Mama's child,  hard headed and all.
Mamas and babies, the cycle never ends.
The lovin' comes easy, its the teachin' that's hard.

Mama I heard you then, and Mama I hear you now.
The words are often yours straight from my mouth.
I am my Mama's child, in flesh and blood.
Mama taught me well.
Gave me strength, I'm a Mama now and I understand.
Love is the given,  Life is the lesson,  Motherhood is the test.

By Temica  Timmons
Copyright Temica L. Timmons 2002