I recieved this great poem from Margaret Williams. She also included a link to her website, so be sure to check it out.
(to my grandchild, Chardonese, with love)
written 11/21/03 by Margaret I. Williams
These old hands of mine
continuously at work trying to bring about
a brighter tomorrow for us
once reached out to you
encouraging you to take your first step
and tried to stop some of your falls
held your head and busy little body
within their grasp
caressed you
tickled you
secured you
stroked your black, corn-rolled hair
tested the temperature of your baby formula and
fed you
doctored you
wiped the tears from your awesome eyes
dried your runny nose
changed your smelly diapers
powdered and lotioned you
Q-tipped your ever-so-cute ears
and helped you identify your ABCs
work your uncomplicated puzzles
build towers with your leggo blocks
arrange furniture in your dollhouse
and snapped pictures of you
and thumbed thru them a thousand times
these old hands of mine
the tools of my few successes
also wrote articles
fiction novels
and created pastel and oil-painted pictures
so that you, and others, will never, ever forget me,
your grandma
Bio: Margaret I. Williams, Poet and the author of A Conspiracy to Ponder,
gravitated towards the field of writing initially as a means of escape in the
early 1980's. Trying to carve out a niche for herself in the field of writing,
she has a host of published poems and a non-fiction short story to her credit.
Her nonfiction short story entitled "My Past Revisited and Future Uplifted by
James Agee's Masterpiece: A Death In The Family" earned her an Honorable Mention
Award from New Millennium Writings-a Winner of a Golden Press Card Award for
Excellence-in the summer of 2001. She has earned an Associate of Arts degree in
Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts with a
Minor in Human Resource Development with cum laude honors. She is single and
resides in Chicago.
Poems By Aika
Friends in my heart
Looking in my heart and I see
Few lights glittering
Going closer and surprise
The lights are my friends and they smile
They are here to make me shine
They are here so that I am not in the dark
They are here to say: GIRL SMILE
When I have my sad while
You are here to make me rich
You are here, giving me gifts
Your words, thoughts, your smiles
Your being, your kind soul
Without you, my dear friends
I would be lost in this world
I am happy to know you,
My great thanks to you
Just be yourself, please, live and know you are needed
Strange thing
Sitting on the cloud
And looking down
Wondering how this world
Can be small
Looking up
See the stars
Shining moon
And space around how huge
Never ending
Full of surprises
And scary
Known and unexplored
Always unsafe
Just like the world down there
Sitting at pc
Without this strange thing
Called net
The world would be huge and
I would never know you
Fortunately we have that
Strange thing called net
Always unsafe
But the world
Is so small
And thanks to that
Strange net
I know you
My dear friend
And hope our friendship never ends
With you I feel safe
I wish you felt the same way....
Delightful day with only safe thoughts..