"Motivation to Write" Quiet girls don't wish to talk Silence makes loose words stay
inside Shy girls use the pen to SHOUT! Like Gwen Brooks I don't talk I write.
"The Spotlight is On Me" (previously published at nubianchronicles.com) I want to be a jazz
singer wear a sparkling dress with sequins glistening when the spot light shines on me I want a back
up band flutes, trombones, clarinets high pitched instruments harmonizing with my contra-alto voice I
want my standard to be be-bop, swing, scat have Dizzie by my side Coltrane in the audience Incognito headlining
I want to be a star my name outside the Apollo Theater I want to be a jazz singer I want to sing my song
"This is an Entirely Different Poem" Initially, this poem was about having the self-pity flu
but I remembered to take my Reality-check pill. The first line was confidence is a party and
I was not invited Four hours ago I wrote loves a gift and I never received it. By then my
medicine kicked in addition to noticing my previous poem used the noun I at least 10 times plus
if I was busy doing housework I would be occupied with more important matters than writing
gloomy poetry.