October Poetry I must say the submissions I recieved are heartwarming. So... Keep them coming. She Speaks needs original,
positive poetry. And if you are a natural sista, send in your poems in praise of your natural glory. So what are
you waiting for, click on the link for the October Edtion of She Speaks...
September 1, 2001: New Poetry for September... Summer is almost over. (Boo Hoo!) Fall is near. A new season approaches
and I have fresh poetry for everyone. I'm updating this page on a regular page. So, if you want to submit your works drop
me and e-mail or fill out the form.
"Beautiful Black Women" cool like the breeze we take our time and do things with ease, scraping
and struggling to make ends meet often in the face of daily defeat. Strong like oak trees that prevail through
it all, Beautiful Black Women serene and tall. Rejection and disappointment often whisper our names, yet
we move forward without recognition or fame. We are mules on a mission, clinging to life forever beautiful
and strong, defying all stereotypes. "Cool Evenings" Cool summer evenings The "cool
down" I call it-- I've come a long way from a hot day-- My rich brown skin has darkened from the early
morning sun-- But I don't mind because I know the beauty in being black-- The cool evening breeze rejuvenates
my soul and makes me long for the roaring night seas of the Motherland. I sit until the evening
light darkens and prepares for its restful sleep-- I pack up my things and call out to my son to make his
last sand castle, and we walk slowly home for the night. "Proud Black Sister"
I am a Revolutionary! I hunger change like a fierce tiger hunting prey at night. I speak my mind and
I don't hold back. I wear no mask but wear the truth like a proud soldier fighting for dying for his
country. I speak out unafraid of the consequences and if my fiery tongue offends someone then it's just
too bad! I am Revolutionary living every day with a vision of true equality and total freedom. I speak
out for my beautiful Black people because I love them. I fight for a good cause because my Blackness is worth
it. I am a Revolutionary! Biography: My name is Carolyn Hopkins, and I am an English teacher living in Hampton,
Virginia. I am a poet and writer who hopes to be able to make a living from my craft someday. I have a B.A. in English from
Cal State, Northridge and I am currently working on my M.A. in Education. After I receive my master's in Education, I would
like to earn my M.F.A. in Creative Writing. I have a sixteen-year-old son named Christopher.
HOW DO YOU DEFINE THE BLACK WOMAN? Is she defined by her nose and lips broad or straight, full or thin or
could it be her monster hips which makes her a perfect ten? Is she known by her famous butt thick and round,
petite and flat? or could it be her peacock strut which lets you know she's all that? however you see her, let
me say that the black woman is well on her way to becoming phenomenal and it's all good! Is it by her sassy
mouth you define loud and boasting, humble and meek or her ability to know a played out line she tells you when
your rap is weak maybe you see her as low class or define her as cold and brash no matter what her complexion
and size she's black and you need to recognize you don't have a clue you see the black woman is whatever she wants
to be fearless and strong, she's got it going on! Is it her unwillingness to back down which makes you scratch
your head and frown? the black woman is not easily bent she stands her ground and represents her skin is not what
makes her black let me define her while you step back the black woman is... From midnight black to almost
white nappy or straight, she gets it right tall or short fat or thin it doesn't matter, she's loved by men brown
eyes, green eyes, quiet or loud she gets attention and can draw a crowd So when you see her give her respect
for she's the best thing you've ever met she's bold and beautiful, real and precise she's america's sugar and
africa's spice by Sandra D. Newton
I am a Woman I am a woman in this world. I wonder who I am inside. I soon will have a job. And making
my own money. I want a brand new life. I am a woman in this world. I pretend to be older than I am. I
feel the need for independence. I worry I'll be left behind. I cry I won't make it all the way. I am a woman in
this world. I understand I am just a girl. I say live and love everyday. I dream of a guy to. Treat me
right. I try to look everrywhere. I'll hope he'll let me. Live my life. I am a woman in this world. copyright:cynthia
(star1984)2001 by star1984
Be sure to visit Cynthia's site at:
July Poetry... The Featured Poet Was Chantel Jones!