Ebony Icons by Robert Jefferson
Its been a long time coming, but I know a change gon' come I
need change, change what? If I could change the color black it would be The Color Purple and i wont have enough sense
to come out of The Purple Rain that leaves us in a Purple Haze I would Lift Every voice, And sing at the Apollo
while doing the Electric Slide up & down Lenox avenue. I would see Boyz N The Hood grow from Boyz To Men,
and become Men Of Standard. I would take a ride on the Underground Railroad get off on Easy Street, to Uncle
Toms Cabin ask him why Uncle Remus was unemployed for so long, and why Aunt Jemima never got married, or had any
children, was she too busy making pancakes. I would be Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay Watching The Tide bring
in the Amistad, and change Naacp to Jazz up. It would be so hot there would be A Fire Next Time, and every thing will
Burn Baby Burn so that it would be Too Hot To Handle. Yea we need a change, I would get happy, and eat Jim Crow
and Little Green Apples It Dont Rain In Indianapolis in the summertime. I would be High Siditti, sitting pretty Jump Over
The Broom, and Jump Back Jack to New Jack City with Jumping Jack Flash while Jack Jumped Over The Candle Stick, but
he wasnt quick, and he could not sit down for a long time. I could change the minimum wage cause I dont have enough
change to change a dollar bill, but I can change pockets from yours to mine, Its been a long time coming but I know
a change gone come. Yea we need a change change your mind, change your habits, change your tire. change your
attitude I would change change if change could be changed